ultrasound image of baby

You might have guessed from my fascination with babies, my sudden uptake of knitting and the slight bulge of my tummy: Scott and I are having a baby! We had the “big” ultrasound today, at the hospital, where they look to see whether the baby has four chambers in its heart and five toes on each foot and so on, and she does, she looks just absolutely perfect – and she’s (almost certainly) a girl!

She’s due on April 14. I’ve already started saying no to invitations to speak next semester, and I’m obviously not going to the Electronic Literature Organization’s excellent-looking conference next May (CFP deadline Nov 30). I’ll be on maternity leave from three weeks before April 14 and for the rest of 2008. After that, Scott will probably take paternity leave for a while – we get 54 weeks (at 80% pay) to share between us, which is great.

There, uh, might be a bit more blogging about baby and pregnancy websites and social networking and blogging for mums than usual. You guys’ll understand, right?

30 thoughts on “we’re having a baby!

  1. steve

    Congratulations to all of you. That’s wonderful news.

  2. Clare

    Wonderful news, Jill, many congratulations!

  3. Anonymous

    Congratulations Jill and Scott! That’s such a great news!

  4. Thomas

    Congrats! The thought had crossed my mind, and it is great to have it confirmed. This makes it even more urgent to squeeze in a few network lunches before the big day! Your call:-)

  5. Deena Larsen

    Congrats on your wonderful new life!

  6. Lars

    Congratulations, Jill! Wonderful news!

  7. noah

    Many congratulations to you both!

    And I’m so glad you live somewhere with decent parental leave.

  8. Perla

    Congratulations Jill and Scott!

  9. Luca

    I forgot to sign my previous comment, I’m the anonymous #3.

  10. Oyvind

    Congratulations! Happy happy news.

  11. Jesper

    Wow, congratulations!

  12. Frank

    Rart hun ikke blir svimmel. Ser ut som det gÂr fryktlig fort rundt i bildet.

  13. Matthew

    Congratulations to the both of you!

  14. Vika

    That is so, so good. Congratulations to your entire family.

    I have tickets for Chicago ñ maybe we should make plans to meet sometime. 🙂

  15. CW

    Congratulations to you both! 🙂

  16. FG


  17. Martin GL

    Congratulations, Jill!

  18. Gro

    Congratulations! And the ultrasound pictures have certainly improved in quality since Mathias was pictured, back in the old days, in 1994.

  19. Gro

    Congratulations! The ultrasoundpictures has certainly raised in quality since Mathias was pictured, back in the old days, in 1994.

  20. William Patrick Wend

    Congrats! I was looking forward to seeing you guys at the ELO conference but that is exciting news! A good podcast I know of for tech & parenting is Jumping Monkeys, which is done by a few of the old Tech TV/Screen Savers people.

    we get 54 weeks (at 80% pay) to share between us

    That is amazing.

  21. Matt K.

    Wow! Congrats to you and Scott!

  22. M-H

    Hee hee. I read your Ravelry profile so it wan’t big news for me. Congratulations!

  23. Marina

    Oh my! Congratulations! Thatís such a wonderful news!

  24. Linn

    Yay! Excellent news! Gives me so much hope when brilliantly lovely people reproduce! All is not lost in the world!

  25. Karin

    Fantastic “news”! I must be a psychic, ’cause I was thinking about this already in June, at which time this little wonder was still in her planning stage? To be honest, I think the clue was your post of June the 17th, and “how fatherhood affects men physically”… Anyway, congratulations!!!

  26. Kevin T

    Hipp hipp! Gratulerer Jill & Scott!

  27. Jason

    What great news — congratulations!

  28. Toril

    Congratulations to you both! I’m so happy for you 🙂 and little girls are so precious!!!

  29. Jamie

    Congrats to you all! This is wonderful news. A new child and a neww sibling tooo!

    (I hope this reads okay, there’s something wrong with my font :()

  30. JoseAngel

    Great news, Jill! And xcellent about the babyblogging… you’ll no doubt develop the semiotics and narratology of baby blogging as you go along.

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