weather forecast for our wedding weekendNot much blogging this week, I’m afraid. Scott and I are far too busy fretting over last minute wedding details (wedding kj¯replan? ceremony program? who picks up the flowers? Ok, so they’ll deliver 70 chairs to the ceremony spot, but who will bring the fancier chairs for us, our best man and maid of honour and our celebrant?) and hanging out with all the guests who’ve arrived from out of town – and from other continents. Having them all here is amazing – practically his whole family is here, and soon most of mine will be too. And thank goodness, although it rained on this afternoon’s barbecue (we had a party tent though, it was fine) the forecast for this weekend is getting better and better. We’re having an outdoor ceremony (followed by an indoor reception, it is Bergen after all) so this is a very good thing. Wish us luck!

Oh, we’re going with the horseshoe table. Still haven’t figured out the seating, but it’ll come, no worries 🙂

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6 thoughts on “wedding weather

  1. Jude

    Congrats on the wedding Jill 🙂

  2. JoseAngel

    May the Force be with you – you’ll be needing it this week! All best wishes.

  3. Tama

    Hi Jill, Since it’s the weekend now, let me wish you and Scott a fabulous ceremony and all the happiness in the world together! 🙂 I hope the weather behaved for you! I’ve got my fingers crossed from afar! (I’m also crossing my other fingers for next weekend since Emily and I are getting married, also outside, next weekend on June 9 (yes, in Winter, but I hoping that Perth lives up to its sunny reputation)!

  4. vika

    So sorry we couldn’t be there with you, having just graduated (me) and moved (both) and and and…

    May you have many happy days together, and I hope to see you somewhere, sometime soon!

  5. Jill

    Thank you all – and oh, Tama, congratulations and best of luck!!

  6. Myriam

    Congratulations on the wedding, Jill!
    Best wishes for this new journey!

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