I lost my iPod somewhere, somehow. I was thinking I’d INSERT it with a shuffle (so much more fiscally sound at a third the price), but luckily Thomas showed me his video iPod. I love it! There is no way I could be happy with a lesser model after spending five minutes with one of those. I’m in the US for a couple of weeks, so I ordered it from the Apple Store, and look it’s on its way! It’s only about 20 miles away right now!
I’m particularly fascinated that my iPod has been in Shanghai and Anchorage, Alaska. Someday I mean to visit those places too.
Are you as intrigued by tracking parcels as I am?
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What about tracking that birthday gadget I sent you last year?
I just got my iPod video and soon put some coins in the same pocket. I learnt that the plastic screen very easily takes scratches, making the picture below look juggled and dark-pattened. So my advice is to leave on the plastic that is attached to the new iPod. Cut the plastic below the screen and peel it off the click wheel. If you do remove it, you can always puchase a new one for $8.95 😉 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000CBNHXO/102-0431366-8963369?v=glance
Yeah, the back of my iPod (arrived just hours ago!) is already scratched… just from putting it on the table. Ah well.
I am always obsessed with tracking my packages. I am both exhilirated and dismayed that technology allows me to spend countless hours combined watching my items get packaged, shuffled, tossed and loaded on and off buses and planes until it arrives at my door.
I’ve also become obsessed with checking mundane things like bank balances online (even though I know full well I have not deposited any money in the last 24 hours) and bill amounts. Convenience or distraction? A bit of both I would wager heh =)
Hi Jill.
Gratis med ny iPod.
If you ned some video to watch on it this is a nice video podcast http://feeds.feedburner.com/BottomUnion