I updated my list of email narratives this morning, with some help from Nick (thanks!). All the commercial efforts at using stories told in email for marketing have given way to sexy webcams, and I don’t know of any new commercial attempts, apart from spam. I haven’t seen much new email storytelling at all, really – do let me know if you know of something!

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5 thoughts on “updated email narratives

  1. Jason

    Matt Beaumont’s e-mail epistolary novel “e” should fit in nicely with your list (published in 2000).

  2. Jill

    Ah, except it’s a printed novel, which is different – I’m particularly interested in narratives that are *sent out as emails*, “written in the network”.

    Though I like regular epistolary novels too, and have put “e” into my amazon shopping cart 🙂

    Other print email novels include

    There are others I’ve forgotten now, I’m sure, and there’ll be plenty I don’t know about, so if you have any titles let me know – I’m thinking of writing somethign about this stuff 🙂

  3. Jason

    Ah, the ìe-mail narratives in printî sub-title in your list threw me off 😉 ìeî actually isnít too shabby, all things consideredÖ

    Another non-networked but printed novel: _Chaser: A Novel in E-Mails_ by Michael J. Rosen (havenít read this one myself)

    Itís a shame there are so many in the ìgoneî listÖ

  4. mcb

    I’m having trouble with the blue company link… is it just me?

  5. Jill

    No, Meredith, it’s not just you, the archives are gone, sadly… Perhaps because it’s going to be published as a book with Kind of Blue? I hate how things disappear!

    (yes, and I am the same person who defends my right to delete stuff at will 😉

    Thanks, Jason for the new novel! Will add em all.

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