Via email from Noah, TurtlePox, a writing project where you might receive an email from a friend that would “infect” you, and if it didn’t kill you, you could mutate it and pass it on by changing some of the wording and emailing your version to a friend.

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1 Comment

  1. Michael

    Hi, this is Michael, the creator of TurtlePox. Thanks for the link! I just wanted to mention that the project is actually running off of a server in my apartment, and, in an effort to demonstrate that Murphy’s law is alive and well, my ISP is having a planned maintenance outage from midnight to 3:00AM EST tonight (Wed Dec 8 – Thu Dec 9) just as the project is starting to get off the ground. So if you can’t connect to the site for the next few hours, rest assured that it is still alive and well, and please come back and check it out when the sun rises again on the east coast. Thanks!

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