6 thoughts on “throwing

  1. belze

    This I must see! Maybe I even sign up, is there prizes?

  2. fivecats

    Any chance you could help a poor English-only speaking person out with a translation? Please? 🙂

  3. Jill

    More or less: the techies have arranged a competition where one, or possibly several, Olivetti 486 table models will be thrown. The events include precision throwing (throwing at targets) and length. IT-employees at the university and other interested parties are invited. 🙂 The images of Rolf test-throwing are most informative.

  4. fivecats

    Thanks for the translation. You’ve just helped to make my day and that of about a dozen of my co-workers!

  5. Jill

    So, will you be starting up local computer throwing competitions, Fivecats? If enough people practice this new sport, it might become an Olympic event in a few years!

  6. Belzebob's blog

    Uoffisielt UiB-mesterskap i PC-kasting
    Jill skriver om det uoffisielle UIB mesterskapet i PC-kasting. Oppfordrer alle til Ă‚ mÂŻte opp i grusparken nord for Johanneskirken…

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