This layout is called Rubric, is designed by Hadley Wickham, and won second place in a styling competition for WordPress. I’ll come up with something of my own in a while, but not just now.

[Update: design is changing…]

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4 thoughts on “this template

  1. hanna

    Good choice—I think it looks great!

  2. Matt

    The Bic is not you. I see you more as a Pilot, or one of the better Pentels.

  3. Samantha

    This is a great template! The Bic is very un-bic-like

  4. Jill

    So it seems obvious the way a blog looks would affect the way you read it or interpret it or shape your idea of the writer – what happens when someone goes from a design with a great big face on it to a stock design dozens of other bloggers probably have too?

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