On Wednesday I’m talking to high school teachers who’ll be engaging their students in research in a University-initiated project called Ungdom forsker p ungdom, young people researching young people. The meeting with teachers on Wednesday is meant to get the teachers thinking about kinds of projects their students might do, and I’m keen to be involved. I love the idea of teenagers, who are obviously highly knowledgeable about their own use of the internet, reflecting around it and considering ways of analysing it.
I’m going to present blogs and web diaries and sites like deiligst.no and blink, and point out some ways in which researchers have studied those sites, hopefully presenting it all in a way that both gives enough of an idea of what these sites are like and gives ideas about what kinds of research questions one might consider.
It’s a pretty cool assignment, really. I’m going to have to make a literature list or link list, or the 30 minutes will be far too stressful. I’ll publish the links here, too.
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