I have the feeling I’ve been rather slow on this, but I only just discovered TechMeme. It’s like Google News – but for blog posts. So this morning, you can see that the most hotly debated item on blogs right now is Twitter. As Karoli sarcastically notes, “It really doesn’t take much to catch up on the geek feeds because the only topic I see over and over and over again is Twitter.” TechMeme shows you which blogs are writing about it and excerpts from the sort of things they’re writing. It’s a wonderful idea, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it works over time.

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3 thoughts on “TechMeme – google news for blogs

  1. Raymond M. Kristiansen

    I used to really like techmeme, but after a while I found just how much of an echo chamber it might be. Apparently, at an earlier time techmeme was – more or less – based on Robert Scoble’s opml file. Yes, an oversimplification, but still, it shows what crowds techmeme is by and for.

    Techmeme (for tech news) and memeorandum.com (politics) are two prototypes, though. I would love to see similar meme systems for academic blogging about – for instance – virtual worlds. Then you could once in a while just scan that one page to get a small overview of what was going on.

  2. Robert Scoble

    Twitter isn’t on the home page anymore. And my original OPML feed probably only is 3% of what shows up on TechMeme anymore.

  3. Jill

    Oy, I hadn’t even realised TechMeme started from your OPML feed, Robert – though it was seeing your Twitter this morning about Twitter being all over TechMeme that made me look at it. I might need to read more about it. And yes, Raymond, I like the idea of an academic version of one – though would that work, making a specialised one? Hm, might have to read about how it works.

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