Ooh, I’d have loved to go to this summer school for grad students when I was a grad student. It’s a collaboration between Georgia Tech and Sˆdertˆrns Hˆgskole just outside of Stockholm. I must keep better track of these events, I would have recommended it to an MA student or two, but the application deadline’s long past and it’s mainly for PhD students anyway.
Goal: some day be an expert at summer schools like this! Maybe organise one some day, too.
(When is one a senior academic, btw? Obviously I’m not one yet, 2 1/2 years after defending my PhD and in my early thirties. Is it full professorship that decides it? Passing forty? A combination?)
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I’m going and very happy about it. I’ve heard on the network that there are places left so maybe worth contacting them if any PhDs from over the mountains in Norway are interested.
I bet CMU’s ETC would do a summer program with you.
I guess there are all kinds of combinations: for me taking part in organising a summer school was part of the process of becoming an academic…
Thought of this one, but was too late as well.