No posting lately. Hardly even checked my pet blog. Way too many things to do…but soon I’m on holidays, and then there are a couple of weeks of writing and then more holiday. It’s conceivable I’ll blog in there somewhere – or maybe not.

Have fun!

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5 thoughts on “summer hiatus, i think

  1. jeremy hight

    I am giving you a comment! I love your blog and mine never gets comments…… one hand clapping………..

    I have a paper I just published i’d like you to check out……… was just on rhizome……………..”floating points” it proposes a new field of narrative art that triggers above cities and changes with altitude………….. is where it is published……….

    was hoping you might link it on your blog…………..

    and would be glad to give comments…….link blogs………

    I don’t know if you know my work …..but I am credited with inventing spatial locative narrative in the project 34 north 118 west
    and a bunch of other stuff

  2. Troy Worman

    I love your blog and am looking forward to your return.

  3. Oso Raro

    You’ve broken the addiciton! How did you do it? Gum? A patch? Cold turkey? What’s your secret? 😛

  4. Addy Farmer

    Dear Jill
    I was interested to read of your research in an article in, ‘The Guardinan’
    It’s dated 2004 and I wondered if you’re still interested in ficblogs?
    My ficblog is from a nine year old boy’s perspective but there are others
    I have started a discussion group for ficblogging-I’ll send you an invute
    in case you’re interested.
    Best Wishes
    Addy Farmer

  5. YGG (no kidding)

    a blog entry [fr] about how WoW gives adequate training for corporate life :

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