They found her. This is from today’s Bergens Tidende, on the second page. I first heard by email yesterday.

Bergens Tidende, 16/3/05, page 2

The Norwegian is too pragmatically poetically sad to translate. Hun ble åtte år gammel, “She became eight years old”, but that’s not right, it’s a use of the verb that means that she lived eight years and will never be older than eight. It’s a use of “to become” that means she is dead.

Of course we knew, we’ve known for ages, but even with DNA proof and a small body sent home in a coffin it’s incomprehensible. It has to be. If I fully comprehend this little girl’s death, how can I ever let my own child out of my sight, even for a second? And even worse: this child was with her mother. Her mother couldn’t protect her. I can’t protect her.

Damn. I have tears rolling down my cheeks and I have to teach in half an hour.

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13 thoughts on “shyrin ble åtte år gammel

  1. jill/txt » going to be OK?

    […] the perfect expression of my love for my own child and for her friend who is missing. But I can’t protect her. And every time I hold my little girl close and tell her it’s going to be OK I’m […]

  2. Scott

    I’m sorry to hear, at the same time as I’m sure it’s a relief for the family to know for certain. Give Aurora a hug for me.

  3. jen

    I’m so sorry Jill. I’ve been following your blog for awhile, and this story in particular; as the mother of a dead child I took a particular interest. Protect Aurora as best you can, while realizing your limitations and the limitations of the world. Take care.

  4. Jill

    Thanks Scott, thanks Jen. I looked at your blog, Jen, and I’m so sorry. I hope blogging it is helping you in this difficult time. Children shouldn’t die.

  5. Andy

    No, children shouldn’t have to die. We just lost a friend who was 13, yesterday to cancer. Will you still travel so soon after this?

  6. Jill

    Oh, I’ll travel. Shyrin died nearly three months ago, you know. December 26. I didn’t even realise she was in Thailand till my daughter told me, on December 28, “Shyrin’s lucky! She’s in Thailand!”. That was when I started worrying, surreptitiously, at first, so as not to unnecessarily scare my daughter. We didn’t know she was missing until the next day when parents in my daughter and Shyrin’s class starting phoning each other and the day after it was in the newspaper. Or perhaps I’m getting the days mixed up, I’m not sure anymore.

    I’ll shed more tears, for Shyrin, for her mother, for me and my daughter and all of us, but I’ll travel. I’m going to live as much and as fully and for as long as I can.

    I’m so sorry about your friend, Andy.

  7. jen

    My condolences Andy.

    I’m glad you will still travel, Jill. You are right to live life to the fullest and if travel is part of that then you should ocntinue.

  8. LiL

    I’m so sorry.

  9. Andy

    It’s good that you will still travel. If you are interested my friend who passed kept a blog with her parents. Thank you all for your condolenced. and condolences to you Jill and to your daughter on the loss of her friend.

  10. jill/txt » funeral

    […] jill/txt 15/4/2005 [funeral] Today is Shyrin and Kirsti’s funeral. I wrote a long post but deleted it. Quiet. Filed under:General — Jill @ 0 […]

  11. Anonymous

    vi er s lei at dette alt sjede

  12. Jill

    Ja, det var trist, og det er fortsatt kjempetrist.

  13. Martine

    Shyrin was my very best friend in the hole world. And when i heard that she was in that axsident I diddent know how my life wode be if she was daid. After many days of wayting i found out that she was daid, was so hurt. I diddent do anyting the 2 days afterwords i was youst laying in bed, hoping for a mirical. And that diddent happen. But eaven if shes not hear, than she well always be whit me. And by mutch halp from frands and family, i vas begining being happy agand. But that wil alwas be inn my hart…

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