Yesterday I installed a plugin so my most recent bookmarks at, the social bookmarking site, show up in the left menu of my blog. That’s right, scroll a bit and you’ll spot them. (Well, unless you’re reading this in the distant future and I’ve taken them away)

That’s cool. I like being able to share those little finds that aren’t quite big enough for a whole post but that I want to show people.

Today I realised that CiteULike does RSS too, and the plugin’ll take any RSS. And since I really have been collecting research papers I want to read or have recently read at CiteULike, my feed changes often. Took me about two minutes to copy and paste the code and stick my CiteULike feed in there instead. So now you can also see research papers that have recently taken my fancy.

I can’t decide though whether it would be better to show you research papers I’ve just read, or research papers I really, really want to read, instead of research papers that have simply caught my eye, as it’s set to display now. What do you think?

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2 thoughts on “showing you what i’m reading

  1. christy dena

    What a great idea. I’ve been slowly popping my website links into and found the process of finding and entering so much quicker — using CiteULike will be another big leap from providing those helpful resources for others. I say put them all there (whether you’ve read them or are about to). Who cares what usage status they’re at?!

  2. JosÈ Angel

    I agree with Christy; in my own list I include “thing’s I’m reading at the moment”, some I’ve read the title only (but they are really going to be read) some are in progress and some I’ve recently finished and are still around my head. By the way, I also read (and translated into Spanish) the Pinter Nobel lecture you link to.

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