8 thoughts on “Scrabble on a playstation?

  1. andy

    No pieces to loose and solitaire play? It’s a shame they didn’t make it networkable, though.

  2. Liz Lawley

    Yep, no lost pieces. And nobody can accidentally tip the board over.

    But I’d miss the tactile aspect of the game. And how can you hide your letters from the other person?

  3. Jill

    Hm. Well, yes. But I like moving my tiles around! Oh well. Suffice it to say: this is not on my Christmas wishlist.

  4. Brandon

    There’s actually a long history of console board games. I used to have Monopoly on my 8-bit Nintendo. Rarely played it.

    There was actually a board game designed for the Nintendo too–I think is was called “Anticipation.”

  5. Jill

    How strange. I suppose you wouldn’t have to work out the score. And some board games have pretty complicated scoring.

    Ah well, the luddite in me likes the occassional board game.

  6. Matt Whyndham

    The cat can’t sit on it. As much. Still, I’m with you on the principle. PalmOS Scrabble, now, that’s useful.

  7. Norman

    Perhaps it’s prepsring the way for those who mightn’t be able to add up the dots on two dice, let alone manage the even more difficult calculations?

  8. -g.

    I have a PC version of Scrabble that I have put in what seems like a few hundred hours of “training” time. I like playing against the machine because it doesn’t get angry with me.

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