Oh no! Humanistic Informatics is far worse at publishing than Informatics. We’re even lagging 0.02 points behind Infomedia. Karltk explains all, in good old AD&D fashion.
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I could not reproduce Torleiv Kl¯veís results cited by Karltk, see my comments there. Here is an alternative ranking of the Overall Publication-Faculty Ratio and a new addition: The Prestige Publication-Faculty Ratio ñ where your department, HUMINF, does much better!
Overall Publication-Faculty Ratio
(Publication Points/Number of Faculty)
1. II-UiB: 1.96
2. IfI-UiO: 0.58
3. IDI-NTNU: 0.34
4. Infomedia-UiB: 0.33
5. HUMINF-UiB: 0.28
6. SFF QoS-NTNU: 0.22
7. IfI-Troms¯: 0.04
New: Prestige Publication-Faculty Ratio
(Level 2 Prestige Publication Share/Number of Faculty)
1. II-UiB: 0.24
2. HUMINF-UiB: 0.16
3. IfI-UiO: 0.06
4. IDI-NTNU: 0.04
5. SFF QoS-NTNU: 0.03
6. Infomedia-UiB: 0.02
7. IfI-Troms¯: 0.00
Note: The category ìNumber of Facultyî excludes administrative and support personnel. The ratios are based on data for the year 2004, available at http://dbh.nsd.uib.no/dbhvev/