Lisbeth provides a good list of definitions of blogging terms in Danish. I’d grab them all for Norwegian, except in Norwegian blogg is more correct than blog, and that the plural should be blogger rather than blogs.

Like its Danish sister-organisation, Norsk sprÂkrÂd hasn’t yet listed a Norwegian word for blog in its collection of computer and network words.

I’ve noticed many of my students at first confused “a blog” and “a post”, referring to a single post in a blog as “a blog”. I’ve not seen that in English, but I guess the fact that you can get confused

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6 thoughts on “scandinavian blogging terminology

  1. Knut D¯scher

    Hei Jill! Vi har fÂtt en eksamensoppgave der vi skal vurdere hvordan en blogg kan brukes i undervisningssammenheng. Vi skulle sammenligne bloggen i faget ditt HUIN105 med Learning Management System’er som It’s Learning. Hva synes du er fordelen med  bruke det ene fremfor det andre?

    HÂper du kan hjelpe oss med dette.

    Hilde og Knut

  2. Rory

    I’m surprised you haven’t noticed that usage in English, Jill; the post-9/11 wave of bloggers do it a lot.

  3. Jill

    Hilde and Knut: Wow, what course are you taking? Cool exam topic 🙂

    I think the best summary of my thoughts on blogs and teaching is here in the capsule notes of a talk I gave at Brown last autumn.

    Good luck on your exam!

    Rory: You’re right. I guess I have seen this, but I’ve just kind of ignored it as “incorrect”. But of course once something becomes common enough it becomes, well common usage. It does sound weird to me.

  4. Therese ÷rnberg

    The Swedish computer terminology group hasnít listed ìbloggî yet either, but they have answered an enquiry concerning how to best translate the English ìweblogî or ìblogî into Swedish. They argue that unless youíre in an informal setting you should use ìwebbjournalî, since ìwebbloggî might be confused with server logs, and ìbloggî is too casual. I wonder how long it will take before the term which is used by most bloggers (ìbloggî that is) will be formally accepted?

  5. Rory

    Yeah, sounds weird to me too, but that’s probably because in blog years I’m about 73! Kids today, I don’t know. 🙂

  6. bicyclemark

    The great part about blogging is that we can take those definitions of terms and completely ignore them or warp them as we wish.

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