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6 thoughts on “quick links: open access at harvard, what “blogging” is, Korean bloggers, saying sorry

  1. ÿivind

    Your blogg is still going and vital. I saw you in Aftenposten some days ago. Great. And Jill’s pregnant. Even greater! Whish you all the best!


  2. KDS

    Open access at Harvard: the only net effect is that researchers will be stimulated to archive their publications in open access archives, but it does not affect the general policies of journals or their pricing policies to libraries, except that perhaps journals might become even more expensive.

  3. Jill Walker Rettberg

    KDS, I think it makes a little more difference…

    • Each article archived in an open access archive is accessible to the billions of people, millions of scholars and students, who don’t have institutional subscriptions to expensive journals.
    • If more/the best/most/all universities require open access archiving, journals will no longer be able to get away with excessive copyright agreements forbidding scholars to distribute their own work to people who don’t have subscriptions to the journals. That will mean that even scholars at universities without the open access requirement will be able to distribute their work online.
    • Much of this research is publicly funded. It will thus be available to the people whose taxes funded it.

    I’d say those changes are very important.

  4. KDS

    Australia’s apology: to say “I’m sorry” is not to say “I’ll make up for it”. According to a related news story ( the Australian government seems to be spending more money on fighting reparations claims than on actually paying reparations.

  5. KDS

    Jill, you write “journals will no longer be able to get away with excessive copyright agreements”, challenging my claim that open access is not affecting the journal publishers’ ”general” policies and pricing. However, the publishers are now coming up with ”special” agreements. Look at [ Springer’s Open Choice] that allows free access but demands $3000 from your university for ”every” article.

  6. […] (Via Jill) […]

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