Prix Mˆbius Nordica recently announced the winners for 2005, and quickly skimming the jury’s description of the winners and reasoning for their choices (Word doc for some reason) it looks like there are some really interesting projects there. Unfortunately, they’re mostly not accessible online. The main prize-winner, Switching, an interactive film from Danish Oncomedia, has a wonderful-looking website, but it’s only available on DVD, and there’s no info about whether one can buy the DVD, though I’ve written to ask. [UPDATE: it can be bought from
the Danish Film Institute’s website]
Situations is a mobile phone project not documented online. The third is a massively multi-player game which would probably be fun but I don’t have time, the fourth is an interactive, narrative-based documentary but it’s in Finnish and also the full version is DVD-only (I think, I can’t really read Finnish), and the fifth, Timedreams is a Flash piece about busy-ness that makes my computer run really slowly and I’m not sure whether something other than busy quotes coming at me will happen. I wish more of this was online!

Time to go home, I think.

The winners will compete in the international Prix Mˆbius in France.

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3 thoughts on “prix mˆbius nordica

  1. torill

    Jill, in explorer your paragraphs are amputated by the right hand side margin.

  2. Jill

    Ugh. I’ll have to fix that. Horrible. They didn’t used to be, did they? Weird, cos it’s the same template.

    THanks for letting me know!

  3. Martin GL

    Actually, I’ve had issues with that too, on the old blog. Every now and then I’ll see writing poking out somewhere (right now something blue is peeking out from below your archives) or your paragraphs will be amputated.

    Which, I guess, will teach me to start using Firefox like I’ve promised myself for two months.

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