I visited HUMlab in August, and really enjoyed my stay. Patrik Svensson, their director, just sent word of these post doc stipends they’re advertising now in the digital humanities – might be interesting to some of you? They’re open to anyone with a recent PhD from any country other than Sweden – I guess they figure they already have enough Swedes in Sweden.
I don’t think I’ve heard of similar programs before, though, where a post. doc. is specifically only for international applicants.
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Patrik Svensson
Thanks for posting about the postdoc program, Jill. We always enjoy having you visit. Remember the seminar from about four years ago (realmedia) :)?
The reason why it is an international program is partly administrative/legal and partly because we hope to have an inflow of talented international researchers (a kind of internationalization I guess). This is not to say that are not high-quality researchers in Sweden, of course, but rather that this particular program has an international focus. There are other parts of this relatively big initative that are more domestic.
I like the idea of earmarking one scholarship for international applicants – most of us could do with more global input.
And it’s amazing that it’s FOUR YEARS since I visited you guys first…