A while ago I wrote a catalogue piece about electronic art in public spaces, and one of the pieces presented was Nathalie Barret’s Ad sonore, an interactive sound installation in the new university building for “bio-basale fag” here in Bergen. Here’s my piece in Norwegian and in English translation, though actually the blog post I wrote about it is much more detailed and interesting. And has photos.
Anyway, the University newsletter just wrote that a lot of the people who work and study in the building find Ad sonore really annoying It actually scares people, because they think there’s someone following them down the stairs when it’s actually just the artwork trying to communicate with them. To try to abate this, the installation is now turned off after office hours, and they’re also going to be offering guided tours to the work, to be led by art historian Steinar Sekkingstad on Oct 26 and 27, Nov 2 and 3 and Dec 2. Probably quite interesting. Though they don’t mention the times.
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Everything Electronic
I could see how it could be frightening/creepy to hear someone talking to you at night, however I have seen Ad Sonore and find it to be brilliant.
Eric from Everything Electronic