In a discussion of anti-spam remedies over at Grandtextauto, Nick argues that attacking spam by crippling blogs and other arenas for public discussion is not solving anything: instead we should devise anti-spam tactics that penalise the spammers. Wouldn’t that be brilliant?

I’m getting so much spam here these days that it seems every time I look at my blog there’s new spam comments. I delete them as often as I see them (using MT-blacklist, with a blacklist growing absurdly long) but they’re incessant. And ugly and infuriating.

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2 thoughts on “penalise the spammers, not the community

  1. hideki

    Hi from Japan,

    I am using POPFile that filters spams by keywords. The neat point of POPFile is that it studies and becomes more accurate to distinguish spams.

  2. Dennis G. Jerz

    My sympathies, Jill. MT-Blacklist works pretty well for my academic blog setup, though.

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