My Books


Hey, I’m on the jury of Gullbloggen, Dagbladet’s blog competition. You can nominate Norwegian blogs (written in Norwegian or English) until November 2, and then the jury – Bente Kalsnes, Olav Anders and me, will select three in each category, leaving the […]

return of pÂl dimmen

Today at 12:15 PÂl Dimmen, one of the first batch of masters students (well, cand. philol. really, it was before the switch) to graduate with a post graduate degree in humanistic informatics is returning to his alma mater to tell current students […]

be warned

Whoops. A psuedonymous blogger complained about a friend who’d lived off welfare while the blogger had paid taxes, and the friend found the blog entry and told the real story in a comment to the original post – yesterday the blogger admitted […]

no to clear channel

Hey, Bergen said no to Clear Channel’s advertising in public spaces! Awesome!!! Public outrage can actually lead to our democratically elected representatives changing their minds! Yay! Thanks, everyone! (Yeah, I’m late, it was yesterday. I was busy…)

redefining what it means to be present

Quote from Liz Lawley’s live blogging of the Pew Institute’s Lee Rainie: “Teenagers are redefining what it means to be present”. I might use that as the starting point for tomorrow’s class on network community.


I think my biggest problem with Flock is that it connects the aspects of my digital life too much. I removed my Flickr feed from my blog because I don’t want my students and colleagues and neighbours to find my photos. I […]

audiatur review

Christian Yde Frostholm’s review of Audiatur is at Afsnit P.

Testing Flock

I thought I might as well have a go and try out Flock, the new browser that integrates social software – so rather than having bookmarks, it hooks up directly to my account, and rather than having a “blog this” bookmarklet […]

cross-disciplinary international network for convergence, synergy and innovation

Claus sent email suggesting we google cross-disciplinary international network for convergence, synergy and innovation if we’re tired of buzzwords and research applications. Well, first try the Norwegian version. Yep, the Norwegian research council’s the number one hit, followed by a number of […]

winter’s here

Oh my. The neighbours are scraping frost off the windows of their cars outside my window. I’m setting up lists for my students to sign up for their final presentations, and realising that there’s only three weeks left of regular classes before […]