My Books


A US student got a visit from secret agents – for what? Ordering Mao’s little red book through interlibrary loan for a paper he was writing on communism. [Update: This turns out to be a hoax; see the comments for links.] The […]

some respect, i’m your mother!

A blog novel called M·s respeto, que soy tu madre, by Hern·n Casciar, was named best blog by Deutsche Welle. My hopelessness at Spanish means I can’t figure out whether it’s this site or more likely this more bloggy looking site, but […]

reviewing oodles

Huh. I just booked a hire car for while we’re in Australia, and I found this comparison shopping site called And lo and behold they found me a car on Budget that was a couple of hundred dollars cheaper than anything […]

two trains, two planes and a taxi home

I love talking about blogs and showing people blogs. And it was fascinating talking with the people at Sˆdertˆrn, especially Anne and Hannes, who had great ideas about using blogs with students and about new media in Scandinavia. It always surprises me, […]

talk on research blogs at Sˆdertˆrns Hˆgskola

I’ve been invited to talk about research blogging in Stockholm today, at Sˆdertˆrns hˆgskola. My talk will be the last in a series that looks really cool – and that’s podcast, look! I’ll be talking in Norwegian, so Scandos only, I’m afraid. […]

digital literacy research in Norway

I was in Stavanger today as the external examiner for an MA thesis at the department of lesevitenskap, which I think translates as literacy. (They offer an MA in literacy in English and in Norwegian) The MA thesis was written by Arne […]

researcher’s guild

Torill, Hilde and I would like to start a researchers guild on a European World of Warcarft server (rumours have it Terra Nova already has one on a US server, and Joi Ito and other already have a “WoW is the new […]

flash mobs – drunken, violent and racist

Flash mobs are really cool, eh? Those riots that helped democracy in the Philippines? Or peaceful rallies, organised through SMSes rapidly spreading from individual to individual? Of course we all knew that technology isn’t good or evil in itself, but the riots […]


In my ten minute break from grading (yes, I know, at 11 pm I’m still grading….but next Thursday I go to Australia for Christmas holidays! I’ll grade now, knowing that very soon, I’ll be in the summertime) I read my blogs and […]

why so slow?

Ooh. I’d like to go to this conference in Oslo on women in academia – not least because Virginia Vallan is giving her Why So Slow: The Advancement of Women talk, which Hanna wrote about a while back. Also, because I keep […]