My Books

social media

Researchers on Snapchat

I’ve been posting research stories on Snapchat most weekdays this month, and I’m really enjoying it. I know it doesn’t fit with the ephemerality of Snapchat, but I’ve been saving the stories and posting them on YouTube in a special playlist so […]

What kinds of narrative are Snapchat stories?

I’ve been watching lots of Snapchat stories and thinking about the narrative techniques they use – I think I need to write a paper about that. So today’s Snapchat Research Story is about Snapchat and narrative. This story is over three minutes […]

social media

How Can Scholars Use Snapchat Stories?

Snapchat has changed since the last time I tried it. You know, back in 2011 when I was simply too old for it. Now Snapchat has stories and has become a channel for everything: as expected it’s excellent for silly selfies and personal […]

Teaching drone vision

This semester I’m teaching a graduate seminar in digital media aesthetics on machine vision, and in today’s class we discussed drone art, using Dziga Vertov’s manifesto from 1923 (“I am kino-eye, I am a mechanical eye. I, a machine, show you the […]

Representation or Presentation?

I recently finished writing a chapter for The Sage Handbook of Social Media, which is being edited by Jean Burgess, Alice Marwick and Thomas Poell. My chapter is about self-representations in social media, like blogs and selfies and such, but in the table […]

Vi trenger humanister for å forstå vårt digitale samfunn

[This is a five minute talk I am giving today at a conference gathering opinions and knowledge for the upcoming Norwegian parliamentary report on the humanities.] Innlegg på innspillskonferansen til Stortingsmeldingen om humaniora, 15. januar 2016. Konferansen streames og arkiveres. Vi trenger humanister som kan se […]


How I got excited about teaching again

Last semester I, and a hundred and fifty other people who teach at my university, heard Dee Fink talk about how to be a better teacher. The thing I remember the best is that he told us that if we improve our […]