My Books

why ugly myspace profiles are incredibly interesting

Right now, Mike Newman is talking about The Show with ze frank, which was an immensely popular daily video log that ran for a year (though I never heard of it before). He just played this short video of ze frank talking […]

links for 2007-04-28

Adj¯? anonymitet – Kultur – NRK Nyheter “Framtida tilh¯rer de som har et sosialt liv p nettet. SÂkalte sosiale nettverkstjenester har eksplodert i popularitet, og Facebook er den heteste arenaen for ¯yeblikket. Her er nesten ingenting hemmelig eller for privat.” Not sure […]

conference notetaking on twitter

Luca’s narration of the Second Life panel is so great, I’m going to try doing my notetaking on Twitter for a bit. You can read my twittering if you like. Any other MiT5 Twitterers I should follow?

introduction to MiT5

The first plenary session at MiT5 was fabulous, like being in a mirrorworld where everyone gets it. Henry Jenkins‘ introduction used Stephen Colbert as an example of a mainstream media character who gets mashup and remix culture. To the audience’s enjoyment, he […]

links for 2007-04-26 – Bortbloggad frÂn jobbet Swedish story about a guy who didn’t get a job, and then when his papers were returned, they came along with a printout of his partner’s anonymous blog saying “he finds out whether he’ll get the job […]


We’re off to MiT5 in a few hours. Jean Burgess is already there; Luca Rossi is presumably on a plane right now, or maybe there already too. Henry Jenkins writes that the plenary sessions will be streamed in Second Life! I guess […]

keep teachers away from facebook! (?)

Here’s a short paper about student/faculty relations on Facebook (pdf) – the authors surveyed students whose professors were on Facebook, and found that a third of students really don’t want their professors there. I suppose that means two thirds don’t mind it, […]

stealing URLs

This is a sketch of one of the items I want to bring to the discussion in our panel on appropriation at MiT5 later this week. I’d love feedback on this and insights about what’s going on! I blog at When […]