My Books

links for 2007-05-12

S¸ddeutsche Zeitung Magazin: Meine wilde Seite A series of Germans photographed with their World of Warcraft and Second Life avatars. “In Computerspielen laufen Tausende von Trollen, Elfen und Zauberern herum. Wer verbirgt sich eigentlich dahinter?” (tags: deutsch WoW SecondLife avatars photography) Klar […]

map of online communities

I got this on email, so don’t know where it came from or who made it [update: my commenters do though, read the comments to find out], but it’s kinda cute. We’re back from the states, had a wonderful trip! Bergen is […]

Poetry used to be a closed circuit, Emily Warn is saying. She runs, a site that has a couple of hundred million in funding, that just won a Webby – they have thousands of poems, classic and contemporary poems chosen for […]

the future of electronic literature

We’re at the Electronic Literature Organization‘s symposium The Future of Electronic Literature, which is being held at MITH (Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities) at the University of Maryland. Right now I’m listening to the panel on process-intensive literature, and you […]

articles I want to read soon about the transition to print

From a course at MIT called From Print to Digital: Technologies of the World, I found the following papers that I really want to read. Grafton, Anthony. “Introduction to the AHR Forum: How Revolutionary Was the Print Revolution?” American Historical Review 107 […]

links for 2007-04-30

Crablaw’s Maryland Weekly: Take Back the Blog! Host Page “The Take Back the Blog! Blogswarm supports the rights of women to participate fully in all aspects of our society, including specifically online in the world of blogging but indeed everywhere and at […]

malaysian-norwegian blogger

Heikki HolmÂs linked to a report about how Norway grants short visit visas to family members in comparison to other Schengen countries (for instance, Norway refuses 54% of Pakistani visitors visas, which is much higher than Schengen), and I discovered to my […]

links for 2007-04-29

15-inch MacBook Pro Battery Exchange Program I’m only getting an hour and ten minutes or so out of the battery of my MacBook Pro, which truly sucks while travelling. Turns out the batteries sold when I bought my computer are faulty… (tags: […]

my talk at MiT5

Here are the slides for my bit of the panel I’m doing with Scott Rettberg and Nick Montfort on Appropriation and Collaboration in Digital Writing. Scott and Nick (who are also GrandTextAuto‘s representatives here at MiT5) will talk more about artistic/writerly collaboration […]