My Books


Scott and I were married on Saturday! It was a wonderful day, with so many of our friends and family with us, and we’re so happy! There are lots of good photos, though none by me – this one, by Charley, is […]

wedding weather

Not much blogging this week, I’m afraid. Scott and I are far too busy fretting over last minute wedding details (wedding kj¯replan? ceremony program? who picks up the flowers? Ok, so they’ll deliver 70 chairs to the ceremony spot, but who will […]

tables, seating, and wedding websites

It’s just six days till our wedding, guests start arriving tomorrow and Scott and I are figuring out lots of last-minute details. Like where people will sit at the reception, and how to set up the tables. To me, the traditional Norwegian […]

obama releases first political facebook application

Facebook now has an open API, which means that anyone can build a small application that a Facebook user can add to their Facebook interface and that uses their connections. TechPresident reports that Barack Obama is the first politician to make use […]

links for 2007-05-24

RSS in Plain English Wonderful short video presentation explaining what RSS is and how to use it – interesting not only for the content but for its effective use of printouts of screenshots, fingers, drawing and speech for a presentation. (tags: tutorial […]

open source alternatives to Second Life for educators

Arts Metaverse is an interesting-looking example of a 3d learning environment that’d be an alternative to Second Life (which has many problems for education, not least of which it’s proprietary). Arts Metaverse is developed by the University of British Columbiaís Arts Instructional […]

how computers converse

Some mailing list I seem to be on is on one of those surreal email circles where everyone tells everyone else they’re automatically out of the office, each automated response triggering a new automated response from someone else’s computer. My favourites are […]

norway searches for wikis, the world prefers blogs

Tama Leaver discovered that you can now use Google Trends to find information on what people in a particular country and even particular city are searching for. He noticed that while the world as a whole is more likely to search for […]

facebook celebrity frenzy in norway

Either I was gone or I simply didn’t notice the front page of one of Norway’s biggest tabloids the other day: thankfully Kristine Lowe captured this ridiculous story, simply showing the connections between celebrities who have Facebook profiles: (Photos by Kristine Lowe; […]