My Books slideshows with video is an interesting-looking site that allows you to view (and upload) videos of presentations along with the slides – and slides and videos are nicely synchronised. Might be a step up from Slideshare, which I’ve been using a bit, though it […]

what, exactly, is this an ad for?

Look, a movie projected on a four-story building in New York – set up by HBO, the cable TV channel that produced The Sopranos, Deadwood, Rome, Big Love, Six Feet Under, Sex and the City and so on. The New York Times […]

gendered armour

In our World of Warcraft Reader (it’s in copyediting now, MIT Press says it should be published Spring 2008) Hilde Corneliussen’s chapter discusses the way gender is used in the game. Among other things, she shows how different races and cities are […]

automatically connecting photographs to create cyberspace

This is a fascinating demo of how massive amounts of photo-data can be linked together in a system called Photosynch. (The best bits are about 3-4 minutes in and to the end.) They’ve downloaded all the photos on Flickr of Notredame (I […]

sex, politics and YouTube

Today Bergens Tidende published a kronikk I wrote, Sex, politikk og YouTube, about political YouTube videos in the US campaigns – and especially about the recent ones that are styled as love letters to the candidates: Crush on Obama and Hott4Hill. I […]

if you’re already an expert, don’t blog, jakob nielsen says

Jakob Nielsen, the controversial text-centric usability expert, argues that experts shouldn’t blog in his latest UseIt column. As I read it, his argument is as follows: Even if you’re the world’s top expert, your worst posting will be below average, which will […]

persuasion and cheating in video games

Ian Bogost and Mia Consalvo have new books out that look at games from interesting angles. Ian’s book, which is literally just published, is called Persuasive Games: The Expressive Power of Videogames, and looks at “the way videogames mount arguments and influence […]

summer nectarine cakes

One of the beauties of subscribing to Australian cooking magazines while living in Norway is that you get those extra months of anticipation and longing, waiting for the ingredients to be in season. This recipe for Summer Nectarine Cakes was in the […]