My Books

do you want your online bookshop to have shelves? takes the hundred thousand or so best-selling books off and presents them so you can browse through them on as you would in a physical bookshop. It’s kind of fun zooming in and out – and I enjoyed typing “blogging” […]

inside WoW Insider

There’s a great interview with Jessica Langer, one of the contributors to our research guild’s book Digital Culture, Play and Identity: A World of Warcraft Reader, in WoW Insider, where Jessica explains a bit about how the guild works and what her […]

bibliography of scholarly work on RPGs

Michael Abbott, of The Brainy Gamer, is preparing to teach a course on RPGs and has posted a wonderfully comprehensive bibliography of books and journal articles that are related to online and offline role-playing games – everything from Lord of the Rings […]

writing the same thing twice

I remember when I was writing my PhD dissertation some days I’d be thrilled because I’d written a new section so EASILY – and then later I’d realise I’d written almost exactly the same thing months earlier. At first I thought it […]

where to find creative commons images

A colleague asked me how to find Creative Commons images. The best and easiest source is Flickr, where you can now find several million images using each of the different kinds of Creative Commons licence. To search within these images, simply click […]

in which i have a go at being a pumping mum

In some bizarre wave of enthusiasm I thought it would be a great idea to extend our already generous 54 weeks of parental leave by working for a few weeks this summer while Scott took care of Jessica. Poor Scott; I forgot […]

a work of electronic literature for each web 2.0 tool

Mark Merino over at Writer Response Theory posts a fabulous table matching up a work of electronic literature to each popular web 2.0 tool. I’ve stolen the whole thing, it’s so useful – I hope Mark doesn’t mind (yell at me if […]

the swedish FRA law and total surveillance in Europe

Leafing through friends and fellow bloggers’ websites I came across Jim Barrett’s description of rallies against the Swedish FRA law in the small Northern town of Umeå. And that reminded me that I’d meant to write about this law, which has had […]

celebrating the publication of my new book, Blogging!

Last week a ring on the doorbell brought a parcel full of – six copies of Blogging! My book is out! And leafing through it I found that I still really like it – don’t you love that feeling when you reread […]

why don’t we react against the (illegal) covert advertising in blogs?

Swedish and Norwegian press have been fascinated by a Swedish teenager who reportedly “makes millions” off her blog. is the second most popular blog in Sweden. It’s written by another seventeen year old girl. This one’s a model, and told Dagens […]