My Books


Ancient visual technologies

Look, this is the oldest known mirror, reflecting the face of a woman holding it. It is 8000 years old and made from polished obsidian. I’m working on a book on machine vision, and I want to edit it all enough before […]

Double exposure of a camera lens and a human eye, black and white.

Being seen by cinema itself

For my book on machine vision I’m writing a little about Vertov’s wonderful 1924 manifesto written half in the voice of the camera – “I am kino-eye … I, a machine, show you the world as only I can see it.” I […]

High heels

Benji (9) found my high heeled shoes the night I was going to a work dinner. “What are these?” “My high heeled shoes.”. Benji puts them on. His feet are almost as big as mine so they fit, more or less. “These […]

Machine Vision

Hostile machine vision

One of our goals in MACHINE VISION is to analyse how machine vision is represented in art, stories, games and popular culture. A really common trope is showing machine vision as hostile and as dangerous to humans. Machine vision is used as […]

Figure from a scientific paper.
Digital Art Machine Vision

Seeing brainwaves

Last week I was in London, where I visited Pierre Huyghe’s exhibition Uumwelt at the Serpentine Gallery. You walk in, and there are flies in the air, flies and a large screen showing images flickering past, fast. The images are generated by a neural […]

Updates on algorithms and society talks

I’ve given a few more versions of the “algorithms and society” talks from this spring. You can still see the videos of those talks, but here are a few links to new material I’ve woven into them: Social credit in China – […]