My Books

not so great aspects of blogher business

I loved the first case studies presented at BlogHer Business, and the BlogHer 2009 Women in Social Media Survey was really interesting too, but by now I’m getting a little disgruntled. Two hours and ten minutes of continuous talking from stage is […]

teaching kids about censorware and privacy

I absolutely loved Cory Doctorow’s Little Brother, a young adult novel set in a very-near-future San Francisco where high school students’ every move is tracked by censorware in their laptops and on the school network and surveillance devices in the hallways. Of […]

BlogHer here I come!

I’m in Chicago, ready to attend BlogHer Business this morning and BlogHer itself tomorrow and the next day. I’m excited: I’ve been curious about these conferences since I read about the first one several years ago, and I’m happy things finally worked […]

talk on journalism and social media

I gave a talk today for the staff of Bergens Tidende, one of our regional newspapers, on social media and journalism. Slides and links follow – all in Norwegian. Journalistikk i og med sosiale medier View more presentations from Jill Rettberg. Takk […]

writing with a little help from your friends

I posted a draft of the paper I’m working on on Google Docs on Friday and asked for feedback and help – and already more than thirty people have looked at it and five people have left comments – and of course […]

twitter terrorism, copyright and the mass media’s use of tweets

Twitter has become huge in Norway, and recently newspapers like started embedding unfiltered feeds of tweets about a topic in their articles. So if you tag a tweet #aker it’ll show up in articles about Kjell-Inge R¯kke, one of Norway’s richest […]

please: give me feedback!

An experiment: here’s the current draft of the paper I’m writing on ways in which social media visualise and narrativise their users historical data, providing us with new kinds of mirrors in which to see ourselves and decide who we are. Here’s […]

tweeting vs blogging – and the prompts of social network sites

Twitter is so easy that I keep feeding my quick finds into tweets (I’m @jilltxt on Twitter) instead of writing something more about them for the blog – which is fun and fast, and gets quick and interesting responses, but doesn’t lead […]