My Books

planning a new course: communication in social media

I’m teaching a 5 credit (ECTS) course on Communicating with Social Media this autumn (in Norwegian!). I’m really excited about the course. It’s a short, intensive course – three full days followed by independent work, so should be ideal for people who […]

my book has been published in korean!

Look at this! I think that the symbols on the blue banner, to the left of the word “Blogging”, may spell out my name. Or part of my name. Does anyone read Korean? I can’t even figure out how to google to […]

ELMCIP: european project on electronic literature and creativity

We recently had great news: we’ve received nearly a million euros to fund a large, European project exploring creativity in the field of electronic literature. The project is led by Scott Rettberg and involves researchers from a total of seven universities in […]

apply to do a PhD in digital culture at our department!

We have two PhD fellowships advertised right now, with a deadline of January 31. We’re particularly interested in candidates interested in researching electronic literature (perhaps in connection with our freshly-funded project on creativity in electronic literature), digital art, social media, gender and […]

in norway teenaged girls are the most-read bloggers

Internationally, it seems that the most popular blogs are about gadgets, technology, politics and weird web finds, at least if we can trust Technorati’s ranking list. In Norway, the most popular blogs are written by teenaged girls, like 14-year-old “Voe“, who’s the […]

video of my wikipedia talk

My belly has grown a LOT since October. Only a month left now and my little boy will be born! While he’s been growing, videos have been processed, and video of the talk I gave at the Wikipedia Academy in October is […]

a few things seep through into my preggo-brain

I feel myself sinking into that inward nestingness that happens when you’re expecting a baby. Twitter holds less fascination for me, and I forget to blog or read blogs for weeks at a time (except for my “life, not research” category in […]