My Books


There’s a brief interview with Noah in the Guardian, where he talks about the New Media Reader. Noah remarks that “People think of new media as something without a history”, and says that a motivation for compiling the New Media Reader came […]


Jesper reports from the Digital Genres conference. As no doubt do many others but it’s time to go fetch my daughter from school

cooking stories

I just discovered that Loobylu has a cooking section, Celebrity Chef with recipes with stories and lots of those gorgeous illustrations her blog is speckled with. I want to bake the Princess Meg Birthday Celebration Cookies.

displaying comments

Eirik’s started displaying comments and trackbacks prominently, which is lovely! Monologic blogs (with no comments) are less interesting than the dialogic ones, he finds, and though I used to be a comment-skeptic, these days I agree with him. Eirik also shows the […]

from web to paper

So many of the books at amazon are rehashed inferior versions of lively websites. I’ve been browsing to find some extremely undemanding summer reading and noticed that the apparently popular of V series reviews mention that V is known from the “Redbook […]

post-blogging fame

Salam Pax, the Baghdad blogger, will be writing a bi-weekly column in The Guardian, says an article in Wired, and is interviewed in the latest issue of Tekka (subscription required). The is he real? discussions seem to have stopped.

scholarly blogs

There’s an article in The Chronicle about scholarly blogs, and it points to two lists of such blogs: Professors Who Blog and Henry Farrow‘s blogroll (see the lower right column of his main blog page). Henry notes in a recent blog post […]


I dreamt my thumbs were broken. They swelled up and hurt and I couldn’t decide which hospital to go to so wandered up and down a curving road until I woke up. Consulting dream dictionaries I find that this is highly ambiguous […]

round about

Grandtextauto’s a blog that keeps discussing stuff I’m interested in. Noah wrote a review of Marie-Laure Ryan’s Narrative as Virtual Reality (an excellent book) and its generated some discussion, including comments from Marie-Laure herself. Nick’s posted a review of MelbourneDAC. On a […]

stories across blogs

There’s an interesting piece discussing how blog stories spread at Microdot News. They’ve looked at 45 stories that have been discussed on a lot of different blogs, and propose that participants either post opinions, reactions, summaries or votes. I’m not sure quite […]