Ooh! A new digital camera! Must be my best birthday present ever and a month early!! (thanks!) I warn you, once the battery’s charged this may turn into a much more photoish blog!
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Ooh! A new digital camera! Must be my best birthday present ever and a month early!! (thanks!) I warn you, once the battery’s charged this may turn into a much more photoish blog!
This is beautiful: “They stopped talking to let me pass between them, as though their words were impenetrable terrain.” (from Gianna’s description of a Goth wedding outside her house)
Manhunting has a series of amazingly hilarious transcripts of dates with men met on the Internet. It’s research, of course.
Damn. It really would save me time to just learn Unix. And to remember about case sensitivity. And calm down instead of deciding it doesn’t work.
Torill’s defence is being planned, down to the details of which Dean wears what, and the dates are September 11 and 12. Congratulations, Torill!
Danah Boyd is doing a PhD on Friendster (or more generally on online communities, social networks and identity management) and so, obviously, has a blog tracking the whole phenomenon: Connected Selves. Did you know you can buy a new Friendster network on […]
There is a Norwegian work of interactive fiction: Prinsessen i berget det blÂ. You need a nice old Spectrum computer to play it on, or an emulator, and the review says it’s kind of boring, but hey, it’s Norwegian!
Adam Cadre’s interactive fiction Photopia was touted to me as a game where I wouldn’t get stuck and cross because I couldn’t figure out what the interface wanted me to do next. It’s also said to take about an hour and a […]
I’ve often thought that the people who criticise Powerpoint haven’t realised that you don’t have to use bulleted points and preset designs. Of course, if you do, Edward Tufte’s probably right: it’s boring and the overuse of templates indeed may “usually weaken […]
Friendster is terrifying. It’s not just the way it smears this junior highschool atmosphere over everything, as Patricia wrote, it’s so unbelievably cliquish. You might come across someone you didn’t know, who has similar interests to you and maybe, with luck, lives […]