My Books

rosehip tea

While R. was gone I watched the red from the tea bag spread out in the hot water. I didn’t notice that the water reflected the latticed ceiling until I saw the pixels captured on the screen.


Networking on the Network: A Guide to Professional Skills for PhD Students has some very specific and sensible-sounding advice on how to become part of a research community (conferences and blogging and, especially to begin with, the luck of having a lion […]


I photographed bits of my notes from DAC 2001 at Brown before throwing them in the recycling bin. It is amazing how you can completely forget something though you have obviously been paying attention. I rarely take such careful notes these days. […]

organising discussions

I tried combining written and oral discussion in today’s seminar, with mixed success. I assumed everyone had read the texts I’d asked them to (Turing, Weizenbaum, a few photocopied pages of Turkle) and started off by asking everyone to log into MoveableType […]

fallen leaf

It’s as difficult to photograph a falling leaf as it is to catch one in your hand. Once fallen they’re easily caught.

roommate needed!

My good friend Elin is looking for a roommate – if you know anyone in Cambridge (the one near Boston) who needs a place to live, please point them her way!

backchannel Hypertext

Hypertext 03 is on in Nottingham and I just remembered I could have been on the IRC channel with all the geeks with wirelessed lapt

confident ideas

Alex Golub is finishing an essay he’s going to submit for publication and his description of the mixture of elation and fear is wonderful, culminating thus: The ideas in my head know that if it comes out less than perfect, I’m obviously […]

in bed

After a few days of headaches, a stiff neck and sore throat my nose joined the party and forced me to admit I’m sick. So I’m home, mostly in bed, snoozing, reading and drinking Lemsip out of my favourite cup. Isn’t the […]

ern and uncle jim

Peter Carey is one of my favourite authors, and I’m obviously going to have to read his latest book: it’s based on the Ern Malley hoax, which my Great Uncle Jim was one of the instigators of. Uncle Jim wrote rather traditional […]