My Books


Yesterday, as I was leaving, my grandfather gave me last week’s copy of the New York Review of Books. I’ve never actually read the New York Review of Books before, only dug out certain articles in old issues at the library, but […]


Natasha Barrett’s Adsonore is a sound installation in the highest stairwell of the brand new building for basic biological sciences. I went to explore it today. The building’s only a ten minute walk from my home; it’s where medical and dental students […]

sms billboard art

Perfectly timed for my article, today’s Net Art News from Rhizome is titled “Jenny Holzer meets Rafael Lozano-Hemmer” and describes a new public installation by Brazilian artist Giselle Beiguelman, ‘Poetrica‘. Rhizome’s free on Fridays, so make use of it now if you’re […]

ready, set, write

Today I need to finish my article on electronic art in public spaces. I’m procrastinating like mad, so this post is going to be my personal motivator, like I did when I was trying to finish my PhD before last Christmas. The […]

making it mine

My new computer finally arrived, and I’ve spent every spare hour creating it in my image: adding my photos, my documents, my friends, my connections, my links, my colours, my appointments, my preferences. It can talk with my phone so now my […]

second hand words

I’ve just written my first recommendation for a student. She’s a wonderful student, so it’s a pleasure, and it’s just to the faculty so she’ll get a bit of funding to go to a conference she’s impressively enough had a paper accepted […]


There was a huge explosion on the sun today which means that during the next two or three nights we might get to see spectacular auroras or northern lights here in the northern hemisphere, maybe as far south as France (47-48 degrees […]


An index of toilets in videogames. It’s in Russian, but non-Russian-speakers can scroll down to a nice list of game titles, neatly linked to screenshots of their toilets. Few of which actually virtually work, but at least you can look at them. […]

clara holst

I’ll be defending my doctorate just a fortnight shy of a hundred years after the first woman in Norway was awarded her doctoral degree.