My Books


The traditional solitude of writers is so different from the companionship of blogs. Marguerite Duras wrote alone: The solitude of writing is a solitude without which writing could not be produced, or would crumble, drained bloodless by the search for something else […]

links permitted

A Norwegian court has found that can keep its links to filesharing systems that let you download music without paying for it. Restricting the right to link would compromise freedom of speech, the lawyers decided. Good for them.


Ah. My girlfriends came over for dinner and planned the party. We’ve grown since planning parties to celebrate completed MAs, but we have just as much fun. Now I have a toastmaster, shoppers, party game organisers, cake bakers. It’s going to be […]


This fanning collection of networked art is beautiful in itself. I love running my mouse up and down the lines to watch them open and close, though I’m a little sad that this works better on a Windows machine than on a […]


My bluetooth phone, new powerbook and I are still honeymooning in our newfound togetherness. Pleasure rushes down my spine each time I sync my addressbook and calendar to my phone, carefullynegligently leaving the phone in my pocket or bag. I adore sending […]


I have an amazing capacity for foreseeing possible futures and planning how I would respond to any number of unlikely catastrophic outcomes. Sometimes I can catch myself in flight, bring me back to myself and be here. Now. Me. Taking photos of […]


Ragnhild finished, and Anders’s PhD thesis is found worthy of being defended! He’s defending it on December 11. I, meanwhile, am exhausted by practicalities, hungry, and have to finish an article tonight. And another tomorrow. Ticked a few more items off my […]

water cooler games

Water Cooler Games is a new weblog about games that aim to make a point and not just provide entertainment. It’s run by Ian Bogost and Gonzalo Frasca.


BEK (Bergen senter for elektronisk kunst) has been central in the development of open source software for manipulating sound and video in realtime, and this week they’re hosting piksel, a workshop gathering about 30 of the foremost artistgeeks in the field to […]

temporary repatriation

Australian researchers working outside of Australia can apply for grants to spend three months at the University of Sydney – you can download a word document of the announcement from the Southern Cross Group. I’ll need to wait a few years before […]