My Books


The lunar eclipse tonight (or in English) is being webcast (of course) and there’s a camera right here in Bergen aimed at the moon. It’ll go live at 00:45, but the actual eclipse is from 02:06-02:35, Norway time. The moon will look […]


My camera takes photos of what it sees, not what I see. I hold it up to my eye but its bulk juts out too far and it will focus only on my fringe or the mountain. It won’t show both at […]

planet jemma

Sigh. I’m up to day 7 of Planet Jemma, which is supposed to be an interactive, serial web drama that’ll encourage teenaged girls to study physics. Instead it seems to be a relentless attempt to convince its audience that boys studying physics […]


Play computer games at work and become a more productive worker.

peripheral blogging

Matt finally blogged FranÁois Lachance’s peripheral approach to blogging – FranÁois, as you’ll have noticed, has no blog of his own, but posts his thoughts in other bloggers’ comments, forging otherwise undiscussed connections between the bloggers in the cluster he visits, or […]

location based art

Scott linked to an article on location based narrative, which inspired me to do a little searching which led me to a great list of artworks that use wireless technology.


I got invited to the Prom! Goodness. What shall I wear?


Anita Hammer has a review of Erotogod at Erotogod is an installation and/or performance where viewers enter through a large speculum. Reading that was enough to make me feel queasy. I suspect men’s connotations to speculums are likely rather different to […]

nettverket som kunstrom

I wrote a short, link-filled sketch of networked art for, and it’s up today. In Norwegian.