Don’t worry, even IKEA has a walkthrough. (Via GTxA, and noted by many at Delicious)
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Don’t worry, even IKEA has a walkthrough. (Via GTxA, and noted by many at Delicious)
One of my students (Helge? Eirik? I remember where they were sitting…) told the class that Dagbladet.no, major Norwegian newspaper site, emphasises serious news before six pm and silly news and games after six. Explains a lot. Would anyone know of a […]
I love how students transform from unresponsive mutes to vibrant knowledge-spouters when you find ways to let them talk. Too bad I couldn’t find a way to wake the network in Auditorium B from its unresponsive state, too, but we did fine […]
News from Magic Lantern that there’s now a blog tracking their presidential election game Frontrunner as it progresses towards release in March. Screenshots show you can pick your candidate – Gore or Bush, from the looks of it. I suppose playing this […]
Hey, the university newsletter has a photo of me and my beautiful daughter sipping wine and cordial after the graduation ceremony! And here are a gazillion or so official photos.
The going rate for an invitation to Orkut (the latest of many rather pointless social networking systems) is currently US$11. (via eleganthack)
Rob Wittig’s teaching a course that’s eerily similar to mine. Though quite different.
Torill just posted an excellent photo-documentary of what actually happened during the graduation ceremony. Apart from the rector patting my shoulder, which was about all I managed to report. I look cute in my robe with buckled shoes and a handbag, don’t […]
Orkut is clearly doing the snowball rolling to critical mass thing right now – I signed up this morning and since then everyone seems to suddenly have twice as many friends. It probably won’t do much more than Friendster, LinkedIn, Tribe etc, […]
An article in Søndag Aften provides an annotated list of a dozen or so Danish works of electronic literature – that is, literature that uses the medium and isn’t just a book converted to a PDF or unlinked webpage. Poesi.dk has lots […]