My Books

iris scan

At Schiphol, you can pay to be allowed to undergo iris scanning instead of showing your passpor. The photos at this exclusive program’s website are wonderful, with the image of a woman hunched over the iris scanner as one of the main […]

public intellectuals

“If You Build It They Will Come” is a paper by Tim Dunlop about how bloggers can be a new kind of public intellectuals who engage in dialogue with the public rather than talking to them. Tim Dunlop’s PhD (finished a couple […]


Read Torill’s story of how her father and his brother crossed Finnmarksvidda to fight for their country in exile. It’s a well-told story with some beautiful imagery and it’s part of our history. I love this sharing of memories and stories – […]

whatever you say sir

That free trade agreement Australia just signed with the US includes Australia extending copyright from 50 to 70 years. Things that have been in the public domain will suddenly not be. See Lessig and The Age.


The library at Stockton is a good place to work. It’s quiet, there’s wireless and power, and look, windows from floor to ceiling that open out on the pine barrens that surround the college. I’m writing an essay on the peer assessment […]


Portals are totally out, social networks are in: Lycos is no longer a portal, it’s a social network. Meanwhile, in television, reality shows are out and makeovers are in, a media scholar told me the other week. D’ya think it’ll make a […]


Oh, now that’s an elegant version of a google bomb. The top hit on Google for “Bush’s foreign friends” is an art project faking Google search results. So if you do that search and click “I’m feeling lucky” you might, as I […]


Thin slices of rain cut through the air and nobody walked on the beach this afternoon.


Watchbloggers are (generally anonymous) bloggers who are each assigned one journalist covering the U.S. presidential campaign. This is an interesting answer to the question about “but are they trustworthy?” “Credibility is an interaction — not an aura,” Rosen said. “If a citizen […]