My Books

got distracted

Strange how much easier it is to plan next semester‘s course than to just finishing this week‘s grading. I was just giving myself a few minutes of surfing, honestly, just a moment, you know, only then I thought I’d just ever-so-quickly try […]

change of vision

I’ve been reading Dawkins’ The Selfish Gene, which is a well-written and engaging book. I read it mostly for the chapter that introduced the concept of memes, but I’ve also really enjoyed the discussion of evolution from the point of view that […]

where I’ve been

This definitely belongs to the “I Choose And Personalise My Self-Representations Therefore I Am” category. Can anyone translate that to Latin for me so it sounds more philosophical, please?


Sometimes my dreams stay with me in daylight. I dream of friends and family, of my lover and of people whose blogs I read but whom I’ve never met. They’re all themselves but different. I wander my dreams like K. searching for […]


Now that there’s more images in the standard layout, of course, my photos look different. Hm.

skin deep

The purple capsicum glowed in the sunlight that rushed in through my kitchen window, but when I sliced it open its inside was light, light green. When sautÈed the purple paled until the slices of capsicum looked like thick, dumb worms.

frank schaap is my hero

Frank Schaap is my hero. He tidied my rather diverse margin-left, right and centres (as it were), suggested a slightly different font that apparently will actually look good on all browsers (sadly my beloved old Verdana size=”medium” really doesn’t look that great […]

nearly redesigned!

Oh, what the heck. This new design isn’t finished, but it’s getting there and I’m having fun with it and I’ll just fix it as I go. I’ll keep publishing the old design as old.html at least until this design stabilises, so […]

BBC story on weblogs

The BBC World Service program on weblogging is out, and you can listen to it at The Word‘s site. I think it’ll only be available for a week, so listen now! It’s 27 minutes, and includes interviews with Hossein Derakhshan, an Iranian, […]