I asked my students to write a review of a blog of their choice. Several of the reviewees have read the reviews and left comments, mostly amused, some flattered, some disagreeing with the reviewer. One of them though, upon discovering that he […]
Magic Lantern games has just released their presidential campaign game, Frontrunner. There’s a story about it in USA Today, and more information at their website. I wonder how people are going to like pitting Kerry and Bush against each other – fictionally…? […]
A soft word, “indecent”, and it brushes my lips as they touch a petal pale as the sky and soft as the silk of a white white nightgown still warm from bed. The rain has stopped.
I was really disappointed when I realised that even after my PhD, neither Scandinavian Airlines or KLM would let me change my title from Ms to Dr Walker. However, British Airways would have been happy to oblige. I could have chosen Her […]
A new EU program on mobile and pervasive gaming is going to be led by Swedish Annika Waern, and fully half the 92m SEK (more than Ä10m) is going to Swedish researchers. Good on those Swedes! Here’s a Swedish article about it, […]
I’ve had a few requests for the text and grading scheme for the blog review assigment I’m currently grading, so I’ve translated it into English, all the better to share it and hopefully contribute to this kind of assignment evolving further so […]
Some of the students’ blog reviews contain pearls. Catherina, for instance, writes about a personal diary mostly dealing with depression, and notes that the blog only has one category: livet mitt, my life. At first I thought she meant this metaphorically, but […]
So a student at NYU slept in the always-open library because his $15,000 scholarship and his part-time jobs couldn’t cover the $10,000 a year dormitory costs as well as books and food. And he blogged it: just look at the cover page […]
Do you think DVD-Jon will get away with this one? He’s released the source code for a crack that lets you play tunes bought from iTunes on as many devices you want. I’m grading, no time for more links.