My Books

instead of a summer dress

Of course I remembered that today is f??rste mai, the first of May: labour day. I admired the flags as I walked into town, strident iambic verses drumming through my head in the place of the marching bands of labour days long […]

ebay stories

So I found myself laughing at this ebay listing I came across the other day. This guy was selling his ex-wife’s wedding dress, and had not only vividly recounted his tale of humourous divorced hardship, he’d taken photos of himself in the […]

freedom of the press

“Kimmitt said he has met with representatives of Iraq’s newspapers to discuss how to report the story.”


The list of speakers at Incubation is available, and it looks good. I’m hoping to be there. I was at Incubation in 2000 and though the dorms were less than luxurious it was an inspiring event. And I got to see Sherwood […]

electronic art night

Monday night at Teatergarasjen is full of electronic art, a lot of it performative video art I think. There’s a description and list of artists at BEK’s news site. I’ll go, assuming I find a babysitter, and I expect I will.


What a wonderful explanation of what Benjamin means by the aura of a work.

ethics of blog reviews

I asked my students to write a review of a blog of their choice. Several of the reviewees have read the reviews and left comments, mostly amused, some flattered, some disagreeing with the reviewer. One of them though, upon discovering that he […]

plan a presidential campaign

Magic Lantern games has just released their presidential campaign game, Frontrunner. There’s a story about it in USA Today, and more information at their website. I wonder how people are going to like pitting Kerry and Bush against each other – fictionally…? […]

pale as the sky

A soft word, “indecent”, and it brushes my lips as they touch a petal pale as the sky and soft as the silk of a white white nightgown still warm from bed. The rain has stopped.


I was really disappointed when I realised that even after my PhD, neither Scandinavian Airlines or KLM would let me change my title from Ms to Dr Walker. However, British Airways would have been happy to oblige. I could have chosen Her […]