Oh look, Mark Glaser’s virtual roundtable for this week includes US soldiers in Iraq who blog and Iraqi citizens who blog. Interesting.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Oh look, Mark Glaser’s virtual roundtable for this week includes US soldiers in Iraq who blog and Iraqi citizens who blog. Interesting.
A journalist asked me about the degregation of language in electronic communications, so I told him about the eloquence of blogs and the subcultures of leet and the art of codework and machine English. I looked up a piece I wrote mentioning […]
We’re doing textual analysis and close reading this week, and while I had a nice thorough article about this in Norwegain, I needed to find an English one for our exchange students. Alan McKee has written a book called Textual Analysis: A […]
The paper version of my AoIR talk on distributed narrative ended up far too long, but no matter, it’s useful to me as an initial survey of what I think distributed narrative is, and I love having started. I put the PDF […]
Terrorjesus is a hypercomic that really does have several paths through it – click the funny little curly arrows and you get a new, different page of comics. I enjoyed the loops of misunderstanding, though I only read for ten minutes or […]
Interesting opinion piece from Rune Klevjer in Dagbladet.no (in Norwegian). It’s great that the Norwegian goverment is funding Norwegian game development now – though kind of silly that they’ll only fund kids’ games. Rune’s main point is important: games still aren’t seen […]
I had been wondering why women have felt the need to start up their own gadget blogs. After reading Engadget this morning, I know exactly why. First there were the weak jokes about wanting sexy “nurse bots” instead of functional transportation devices. […]
While I’ve heard of No Pain No Game, or The Artwork Formerly Known as PainStation (did PlayStation sue them?), I hadn’t realise how much it hurts. That looks really painful. The game’s kind of like Pong, except played on a tabletop that […]
In Norway there’s a tradition that the weather on your birthday is like a report card on how good you’ve been over the past year. Today the weather is a mixture of everything: strong winds, sun for a few minutes, a little […]
Ooh! Look at the lovely composite photo of Nina Wakeford’s keynote at AoIR Anders took with his phone!