My Books

more votes cast than there were voters

OK, so I’ve thought the suspicions of voting fraud were over the top, that actually it’s impressive the Democrats did as well as they did, and that it just basically sucked. But I just read a report that a voting machine in […]

guy fawkes day today

Since we’ve started celebrating Halloween in Norway – sort of – why not go for Guy Fawkes day too? On November 5, 1605, Fawkes and thirteen other fed up catholics tried to blow up parliament. For centuries after, the (failed) event was […]

collecting photos

So have you looked at those slideshows of photos tagged with the same word at Flickr? I just gave a talk at the art academy, and while they were interested in lots of the distributed narrative projects I showed them, and took […]


Marry an American is an act of charity to rescue those poor people. I’m not aware of European or global versions yet, but we can probably sign up for the Canadian pledge if we want, and offer our own country’s clemency instead.


I spent so much time hoping Kerry would win that I forgot to consider what the world would be like with four more years of Bush. Really, I mean. Our politicians are saying general things about how they hope Bush in a […]

finnish digital poetry

I can’t read Finnish, so I don’t know what the letters spell, but I quite enjoy watching them tickling their author’s body as he leaps out of the sauna in Timo Harju’s Voi minun yst?§v?§ni, which is presented alongside the work of […]


This poor monk is so struggling with the confounding new technology of the book. Apparently it’s even amusing if you don’t understand Norwegian – and weirdly I got it off non-Norwegian-speakers. Helpdesk, Windows Media Player, 4 MB. (Via Matt)

implementation completed

Implementation, the world’s first serialised sticker novel, is completed! I just read the final installment, smug in the knowledge that those of you in the US will have to wait. Access is restricted for US citizens: you can’t read it till you’ve […]

reality television

My girlfriend asked me round tomorrow night, to watch “the election”. But they won’t even start counting votes till dawn, I objected. Remember the time difference? Oh, something will be happening, she said. We’re staying up all night anyway. Of course I’ll […]

why is bush red?

Is there a reason why “red” in the US means the conservative party, and “blue” means the more socially aware party, the party more closely aligned with people who aren’t wealthy already? See, I tend to start with the assumption that the […]