My Books

decluster 2

Torill and Anders and Jon all respond to Mark’s lament for our blog cluster that I wrote about yesterday. I particularly like Torill’s point that while we then needed to build strong connections with other fresh researchers in our field, we can […]

cyberworlds 2005 CFP

Cyberworlds 2005 is to be held in Singapore in late November 2005, with abstracts due on May 16. I’m spending next Christmas in Perth with my family (yay!), and Singapore’s en route to Perth, but I guess late November’s a little early […]

what happened to our cluster?

Mark wonders whether blog discussions between bloggers have died out, lamenting the loss of the Scandinavian blog cluster of yore: me, Torill, Anja, Lisbeth, Anders and some honorary outside-Scandinavians. We all knew each other from conferences and most of us were working […]

American Museum of the Moving Image

Hanne-Lovise and I went to the Digital Play exhbition at the American Museum of the Moving Image yesterday. The exhibit consists of a series of games in their original form, and you can play them all, from Space Invaders and Asteroids (1979) […]

Julia 1926

At the Digital Play exhibition, a few computers displayed “new narratives” and animations. One of the ones I liked best was Julia 1926, an “interactive” documentary about a woman with Alzheimers by Johannes Weymann, who has a website at Heltersk3lter. I put […]


Trying to teach teenagers about “abstinence” instead of safe sex is mindboggling. It’s worse when they’re taught falsehoods. And it’s not working, as this Unicef report on teen births in the world’s rich nations show. The USA has four times as many […]


I’m going to New York this morning to visit Hanne-Lovise! We’re going to see the Digital Play exhibition at the American Museum of the Moving Image. Sure it’s a 2 1/2 hour bus ride and then a subway ride away, but it’ll […]

“blog” is word of the year

Says BBC News: Merriam-Webster said “blog” headed the list of most looked-up terms on its site during the last twelve months.

email narratives list updated

Updated my list of email narratives. It needs rewriting, but at least all the titles and URLs and so on are there. If you know of others, please tell me!

reviews of daughters of freya

Daughters of Freya, the email mystery novel I mentioned a few weeks back, has got a few reviews now, in Crime Scene Scotland, which also has an explanation of how the idea for the story developed from one of the authors. There’s […]