My Books


Semester’s started. Sort of. Orientation meetings are next week, and teaching starts the week after. I’ve started planning the schedule, of course. There are things I could write about. But I am really not in much of a blogging mood. I expect […]


Shyrin‘s photo was on the front page of the newspaper this morning. I showed my daughter, and explained that nobody knows where they are, and they were near where the big waves came. She cried and cried and then said she didn’t […]


My eight-year-old’s classmate Shyrin is officially missing in Phuket. So is her mother and her mother’s boyfriend. Look, here are their photos. I don’t know what to say. But I have to say something. Soon we’ll have to tell my daughter. Honey, […]

implementation in philly tonight

If you happen to be in Philadelphia this evening at 8 pm, go to the Slought Foundation to listen to Scott Rettberg and Nick Montfort in conversation with Johanna Drucker, Christian B??k, and Jean-Michel Rabat?©. The Implementation exhibition is opening!


“S is so lucky! She’s in Thailand now, at the beach! I wish I was too!” My eight-year-old knows about the tsunumi, but didn’t connect that to her classmate S’s Thailand holiday. There are 800 Norwegians missing in Thailand. I hope S […]

did my blog just get hacked?

Huh? Did someone hack my site? I loaded the page and got no CSS, so checked the template to find that the link to the CSS file had been replaced by this (I added line breaks, this was really all one long […]

silent night

In Scandinavia we celebrate Christmas Eve. A big dinner, then after coffee and cakes, Nissen comes and brings presents. I say we, but really I’m a voyeur. My family celebrates Christmas Day, not Eve, and though I’ve celebrated several lovely Christmas Eves […]

GTA: learning to ride a bike

I’m improving at Grand Theft Auto. I worked out that “the red marker” the text mentioned every time I neared my “home” wasn’t an elusive button on the controller, but a freaky red lit area (beam me up Scotty) in the gameworld […]


From Nancy Kaplan and Stuart Moulthrop’s interview with each other in the last issue of Kairos, discussing that recent NEA report about how people aren’t reading anymore: SM:Suggest five ways to save print culture. NK: Okay, how about these: Use a rating […]

Scrabble on a playstation?

What possible advantage could there be to playing Scrabble on a Playstation instead of on a board? I mean, I get the point of online Scrabble, if you want to play with someone who’s not in the same room as you, but […]