Students are good fun. I insist the HUIN105 (webdesign by blogging) students take photos and upload them to their blogs, and of course, they do, with the eyes of true documentarists.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Students are good fun. I insist the HUIN105 (webdesign by blogging) students take photos and upload them to their blogs, and of course, they do, with the eyes of true documentarists.
I’ve been quite amused at comments from students and colleagues who enjoyed my recent Bridget Jones version of department head blogging, but who have totally missed the intertextual reference. I mean, come on, it’s blatant copy-catting! Surely I’m not the only new […]
I’m switching my URL. I’m going to have to change URLs in any case and it seems obvious that I should choose one I like and will be keeping. My two options are jilltxt.net or txt.uib.no – and I don’t know which […]
Teaching: 39%, admin 58%, research 3%, total work time 10 hrs 20 mins (v.g., can leave early tomorrow), number of times checked blog to see if new comments 39 (pathetic), posts or comments written before this 0, boyfriends 1 (v.g.), number of […]
Maybe this admin thing won’t be so bad after all. Today’s time use was 60% teaching, 15% administration and 25% research, for a total of 7:54 hours. This blog post is being written in my spare time. Unfortunately the research was all […]
I started keeping a time sheet. Results for today: Preparing teaching: 1:22 hrs (web design course, grad students’ writing group) Administration: 6:24 hrs (meetings, email, drafting memo, phone calls) Research: 10 minutes (writing this blog post) Total: 7:56 hrs, which is 26 […]
I just spent four solid hours head-of-departmenting, and my to-do list for tomorrow is still long as my arm. For tonight, too, actually. I haven’t even started on the teaching to-do list. What heads of departments do? Well, today I’ve tried to […]
Deborah Wheeler is a visiting researcher at our university this semester, and tomorrow she’s giving the first of a series of lectures that looks really interesting, on “Identity and Ethics in Global Internet Diffusion”. The series is run as a grad seminar […]
This looks like utter fun: a 15 hour circuitbending workshop where the goal is to, well, break electronic toys in ways that produce fabulous sounds. I wish I could go, but fifteen hours, a week of afternoons, is far too much. Which […]
I love it when I forget that I submitted something and then I get a letter of acceptance! My paper on distributed narrative, the revised, 10 page version of what I presented at AoIR in September, has been accepted for publication in […]