I’m flying today! I bought Blink to read on the flight, so by the time I land I should be an expert at making accurate split-second judgements 😉
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
I’m flying today! I bought Blink to read on the flight, so by the time I land I should be an expert at making accurate split-second judgements 😉
My goodness. I’m sitting in class while my students do group work and I’ve done everything that’s not on my not-to-do-list! This feels very strange. I have meetings for the rest of the day, so the day will still be full, but […]
8% of The Strand’s audience is in Norway! So says the producer in a reply to my post over at the HUMlab blog.
They found her. This is from today’s Bergens Tidende, on the second page. I first heard by email yesterday. The Norwegian is too pragmatically poetically sad to translate. Hun ble Ã¥tte Ã¥r gammel, “She became eight years old”, but that’s not right, […]
After spending all day at home tending to a child just sick enough not to go to school, I’d really been looking forward to exploring a web first, this evening: The Strand: Venice, CA. It’ll make an excellent first post as a […]
Hey, a while back, Axel Bruns and Joanne asked me if I’d like to contribute an article about using blogs in research to a book they were hoping to put together. The book’s a goer, and will be published by Peter Lang. […]
Good heavens. That case about Apple suing the bloggers (or well, actually, are they bloggers? Isn’t it an online zine?) is the top story in Dagbladet right now. That’s kind of weird. Not that it’s old news, but that it’s top story. […]
Although I walk past it every day, I hadn’t noticed the crazed geometry of this tree until I saw it covered in snow this morning.
I don’t think there’s been this much snow all year. If the sweet old lady upstairs were still alive, she’d tell me seriously that I really should have taken my bench in for winter. She’s right, of course. Oh well, peeling paint’s […]
Next week’s Easter! Maundy Thursday, Long Friday and Easter Monday are all holidays in Norway. I’ll be in the States, writing and thinking and reading and spending time with my boyfriend, and I am so happy that Norwegians take Easter seriously. Oh, […]