My Books

literature of domestic chaos

An interesting post, at Pish Tosh, about blogging as a form of literature of domestic chaos. Housework, she notes that Shapiro writes in a history of housewifery in the 50s, housework “evaporates and leaves no trace” – unless you write about it. […]

blogging is breathing

“Criticism is as natural as breathing.” (T.S. Eliot, Tradition and the Individual Talent, 1922)

links people follow

Most people who read this blog don’t follow any of the links. MyBlogLog shows me that: on most days, less than five percent of the readers will have followed any individual link. Until yesterday, that is, when nearly 50% of the readers […]

interaction design seminar

The Interaction Design Seminar is today! Susanna designed the way-cool website, and yesterday I met the three speakers I’d not met before. I’m really looking forward to hearing them speak – they’re all lively, interesting people with lots of ideas. It’s going […]


There’s an interview with me about our department on the university website. So in the photo I don’t tilt my head, I tilt my body. I wonder what that body language means.

happy not to be a PhD student anymore

New Kid has an interesting post about what the transition from grad student to employed junior academic with a PhD feels like. Like her, when I was a PhD student I had senior academics tell me how lucky I was to have […]

online taxes

I handed my tax return in online, but to my disappointment it didn’t calculate what my revised taxes would be. It had me down to pay excess taxes, but I’m sure I’ll get money back with the deductions I added in – […]

norwegian blogosphere

Norway’s recently acquired a vocal and self-aware blogosphere, as evidenced by last month’s expulsion of a blogger from, and the following establishment of a new portal for bloggers, Imperfektum. At about the same time, a group blog about blogging was started […]


The Guardian has a blog following the campaign leading up to the British elections. That’s not unexpected, but they’ve added a twist: you know how you can upload photos to your Flickr account by emailing them to a secret address? Well, The […]

mistake #102: behaving like a little girl

I just got two books from Amazon: Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office, and Women Don’t Ask. Hanna’s reading Women Don’t Ask, and it keeps getting mentioned. The Nice Girls book is a list of 101 mistakes women make without realising […]